Felidae definition German definition dictionary Reverso Same can be said for the fighting techniques, which all stand in favour of the Panthera leo, accustomed, as it is, to face in the savannah a great variety of preys and competitors, in comparison with the solitary tiger, which, but the Leopard ( Panthera pardus ) along with the black panther, its melanic form, the Dhole ( Cuon alpinus ), some gavial or crocodile and
Definitions of felidae OneLook Dictionary Search. MnemonicDictionary.com - Meaning of felidae and a memory aid (called Mnemonic) to retain that meaning for long time in our memory. felidae meaning - definition of felidae by Mnemonic Dictionary MnemonicDictionary, 10/4/2019 · What does felidae mean in Urban Dictionary?: becoming the latin title for cat family, this insult is used to describe anyone who has an ugly or cattish look, they can also be ….
Felidae is a family of mammals in the order Carnivora, colloquially referred to as cats, and constitutes a clade. A member of this family is also called a felid. The term "cat" refers both to felids in general and specifically to the domestic cat (Felis catus). The MnemonicDictionary.com - Meaning of felidae and a memory aid (called Mnemonic) to retain that meaning for long time in our memory. felidae meaning - definition of felidae by Mnemonic Dictionary MnemonicDictionary
felidae definition: Proper noun 1. A taxonomic family within the suborder Feliformia — the cats. Origin Felis + -idae... cats; wildcats; lions; leopards; cheetahs; saber-toothed tigers
7/10/2019 · Translingual: ·A taxonomic family within the order Carnivora – the cats What does the word FELIDAE mean? Find and lookup the definition, synonyms, and antonyms of the word FELIDAE in our free online dictionary!
What does the word FELIDAE mean? Find and lookup the definition, synonyms, and antonyms of the word FELIDAE in our free online dictionary! Felidae definition,meaning, German dictionary, examples,see also 'Feile',Feldweg',Flieder',Felge', Reverso dictionary, German definition, German vocabulary
Felidae translation in Latin-English dictionary. Showing page 1. Found 0 sentences matching phrase "Felidae".Found in 0 ms. Felidae: ( fē'li-dē ), A family of Carnivora embracing domestic and wild cats such as lions and tigers. [L. felis, cat]
Translation for 'felidae' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations. bab.la arrow_drop_down bab.la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar Toggle navigation Felidae is a 1989 novel by the German-Turkish writer Akif Pirinçci. The main character is a cat named Francis who investigates the murders of several cats in a big city in Germany. There are currently
cats; wildcats; lions; leopards; cheetahs; saber-toothed tigers Being the latin name for the cat family, this insult is used to describe anyone who has an ugly or cattish appearance, they can also be particularly bitchy or someone who gets into many catfights. It can also be used to describe an old single woman who lives in a house with only her cat as companion and thus dreams about young boys she can never have and is therefore a bitter and twisted
Felidae: ( fē'li-dē ), A family of Carnivora embracing domestic and wild cats such as lions and tigers. [L. felis, cat] Felidae is a family of mammals in the order Carnivora, colloquially referred to as cats, and constitutes a clade. A member of this family is also called a felid. The term "cat" refers both to felids in general and specifically to the domestic cat (Felis catus). The
Felidae synonyms, Felidae pronunciation, Felidae translation, English dictionary definition of Felidae. Noun 1. Felidae - cats; wildcats; lions; leopards; cheetahs; saber-toothed tigers family Felidae mammal family - a family of mammals Carnivora, order... Felidae - definition of Felidae by The Free Dictionary. What does the word FELIDAE mean? Find and lookup the definition, synonyms, and antonyms of the word FELIDAE in our free online dictionary!
La familia Felidae comprende 37 especies recientes, de las cuales 13 se distribuyen en America: 10 son de afinidad principalmente tropical, dos Neartica y una de distribucion casi continental (Wilson & Mittermeier, 2009). Synonyms for felidae at YourDictionary.com with free online thesaurus, related words, and antonyms. Find another word for felidae This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience.
dict.cc felidae English-Norwegian Dictionary. Looking for definition of Felidae? Felidae explanation. Define Felidae by Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical Database, Dictionary of Computing, Legal Dictionary, Medical Dictionary, Dream Dictionary., A Scrabble Dictionary, Scrabble Word Finder & Scrabble Cheat to help you with many word based games and apps. Learn to win at any game with our many tools and word lists. felidae - Definition of felidae Is felidae a word in the scrabble dictionary?.
Felidae (novel) definition of Felidae (novel) and. Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für felidae im Online-Wörterbuch dict.cc (Deutschwörterbuch). Enthält Übersetzungen von der TU Chemnitz sowie aus Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (Englisch/Deutsch). Vielen Dank dafür! Links auf dieses Wörterbuch oder einzelne Übersetzungen sind herzlich willkommen!, Felidae definition,meaning, German dictionary, examples,see also 'Feile',Feldweg',Flieder',Felge', Reverso dictionary, German definition, German vocabulary.
Translation of Felidae in English. Felidae: ( fē'li-dē ), A family of Carnivora embracing domestic and wild cats such as lions and tigers. [L. felis, cat] https://gl.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xaguarundi 3/16/2019 · any member of the cat family (Felidae) Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
(redirected from Felidae) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Financial, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. See: furtive, insidious, machiavellian, politic, sly, stealthy, subtle. Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the … Felid definition: any animal belonging to the cat family Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Medical definition of Felidae: a cosmopolitan family comprising lithe-bodied carnivorous mammals (as the domestic cat, lion, tiger, lynx, and cheetah) having often strikingly patterned fur, comparatively short limbs with soft pads on the feet, usually sharp curved retractile claws, a broad and somewhat rounded head with short but powerful jaws equipped with teeth suited to grasping, tearing Felidae definition,meaning, German dictionary, examples,see also 'Feile',Feldweg',Flieder',Felge', Reverso dictionary, German definition, German vocabulary
Felidae translation in English-Latin dictionary. Showing page 1. Found 0 sentences matching phrase "Felidae".Found in 0 ms. Being the latin name for the cat family, this insult is used to describe anyone who has an ugly or cattish appearance, they can also be particularly bitchy or someone who gets into many catfights. It can also be used to describe an old single woman who lives in a house with only her cat as companion and thus dreams about young boys she can never have and is therefore a bitter and twisted
Translations for Felidae in the PONS Online English » Arabic Dictionary: Felidae Synonyms for felidae at YourDictionary.com with free online thesaurus, related words, and antonyms. Find another word for felidae This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience.
Felid definition, any animal of the family Felidae, comprising the cats. See more. Felid definition: any animal belonging to the cat family Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
en .wikipedia .org /wiki /Felidae. Felidae (disambiguation) the biological family of all cats. Felidae may also refer to: Felidae (novel), a novel by Akif Pirinçci Felidae (film), a 1994 animated film based on the novel (28 of 72 words, 2 definitions) en .wikipedia .org /wiki /Felidae (disambiguation) Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für felidae im Online-Wörterbuch dict.cc (Deutschwörterbuch). Enthält Übersetzungen von der TU Chemnitz sowie aus Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (Englisch/Deutsch). Vielen Dank dafür! Links auf dieses Wörterbuch oder einzelne Übersetzungen sind herzlich willkommen!
Definition of Felidae in the AudioEnglish.org Dictionary. Meaning of Felidae. What does Felidae mean? Proper usage and audio pronunciation of the word Felidae. Information about Felidae in the AudioEnglish.org dictionary, synonyms and antonyms. Definition of felidae in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of felidae. What does felidae mean? Information and translations of felidae in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions …
Synonyms for Felidae in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for Felidae. 1 synonym for Felidae: family Felidae. What are synonyms for Felidae? A Scrabble Dictionary, Scrabble Word Finder & Scrabble Cheat to help you with many word based games and apps. Learn to win at any game with our many tools and word lists. felidae - Definition of felidae Is felidae a word in the scrabble dictionary?
Translation for 'Felidae' in the free Danish-English dictionary and many other English translations. bab.la arrow_drop_down bab.la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar Toggle navigation felidae definition: Proper noun 1. A taxonomic family within the suborder Feliformia — the cats. Origin Felis + -idae...
Translation for 'felidae' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations. bab.la arrow_drop_down bab.la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar Toggle navigation Felidae - Free definition results from over 1700 online dictionaries. Cart ( 0) Products. Special Offers. Support. Download it's free. Translation Dictionary Thesaurus. Free Online Dictionary. Felidae. Babylon English English dictionary: Download this dictionary:
Felid definition, any animal of the family Felidae, comprising the cats. See more. 8/7/2013 · Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
felidae Definition of felidae Is felidae a word in the. (redirected from Felidae) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Financial, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. See: furtive, insidious, machiavellian, politic, sly, stealthy, subtle. Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the …, 5/12/2014 · Find the definition of Felidae in the largest biology dictionary online. Free biology and life science resources at your fingertips..
dict.cc felidae English-French Dictionary. Synonyms for felidae at YourDictionary.com with free online thesaurus, related words, and antonyms. Find another word for felidae This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience., MnemonicDictionary.com - Meaning of felidae and a memory aid (called Mnemonic) to retain that meaning for long time in our memory. felidae meaning - definition of felidae by Mnemonic Dictionary MnemonicDictionary.
La familia Felidae comprende 37 especies recientes, de las cuales 13 se distribuyen en America: 10 son de afinidad principalmente tropical, dos Neartica y una de distribucion casi continental (Wilson & Mittermeier, 2009). Felidae definition,meaning, German dictionary, examples,see also 'Feile',Feldweg',Flieder',Felge', Reverso dictionary, German definition, German vocabulary
Felidae definition,meaning, German dictionary, examples,see also 'Feile',Feldweg',Flieder',Felge', Reverso dictionary, German definition, German vocabulary La familia Felidae comprende 37 especies recientes, de las cuales 13 se distribuyen en America: 10 son de afinidad principalmente tropical, dos Neartica y una de distribucion casi continental (Wilson & Mittermeier, 2009).
Felid definition: any animal belonging to the cat family Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Felidae is a 1989 novel by the German-Turkish writer Akif Pirinçci. The main character is a cat named Francis who investigates the murders of several cats in a big city in Germany. There are currently
felidae definition: Proper noun 1. A taxonomic family within the suborder Feliformia — the cats. Origin Felis + -idae... Medical definition of Felidae: a cosmopolitan family comprising lithe-bodied carnivorous mammals (as the domestic cat, lion, tiger, lynx, and cheetah) having often strikingly patterned fur, comparatively short limbs with soft pads on the feet, usually sharp curved retractile claws, a broad and somewhat rounded head with short but powerful jaws equipped with teeth suited to grasping, tearing
5/12/2014 · Find the definition of Felidae in the largest biology dictionary online. Free biology and life science resources at your fingertips. Looking for definition of Felidae? Felidae explanation. Define Felidae by Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical Database, Dictionary of Computing, Legal Dictionary, Medical Dictionary, Dream Dictionary.
Translation for 'felidae' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations. bab.la arrow_drop_down bab.la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar Toggle navigation Felid definition: any animal belonging to the cat family Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Looking for online definition of Felids in the Medical Dictionary? Felids explanation free. What is Felids? Meaning of Felids medical term. What does Felids mean? Felids definition of Felids by Medical dictionary. Related to Felids: Felidae. Fe·li·dae MnemonicDictionary.com - Meaning of felidae and a memory aid (called Mnemonic) to retain that meaning for long time in our memory. felidae meaning - definition of felidae by Mnemonic Dictionary MnemonicDictionary
(redirected from Felidae) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Financial, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. See: furtive, insidious, machiavellian, politic, sly, stealthy, subtle. Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the … Definition of felidae in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of felidae. What does felidae mean? Information and translations of felidae in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions …
en .wikipedia .org /wiki /Felidae. Felidae (disambiguation) the biological family of all cats. Felidae may also refer to: Felidae (novel), a novel by Akif Pirinçci Felidae (film), a 1994 animated film based on the novel (28 of 72 words, 2 definitions) en .wikipedia .org /wiki /Felidae (disambiguation) Felidae [′fel·ə‚d All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any
Many translated example sentences containing "Felidae family" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations. Felidae is a 1989 novel by the German-Turkish writer Akif Pirinçci. The main character is a cat named Francis who investigates the murders of several cats in a big city in Germany. There are currently
felidae Italian translation – Linguee. La familia Felidae comprende 37 especies recientes, de las cuales 13 se distribuyen en America: 10 son de afinidad principalmente tropical, dos Neartica y una de distribucion casi continental (Wilson & Mittermeier, 2009)., en .wikipedia .org /wiki /Felidae. Felidae (disambiguation) the biological family of all cats. Felidae may also refer to: Felidae (novel), a novel by Akif Pirinçci Felidae (film), a 1994 animated film based on the novel (28 of 72 words, 2 definitions) en .wikipedia .org /wiki /Felidae (disambiguation).
Felidae dictionary definition felidae defined. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'Felidae' in LEOs English ⇔ German Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer, Translation for 'felidae' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations. bab.la arrow_drop_down bab.la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar Toggle navigation.
Felidae Definition and Examples Biology Online Dictionary. Being the latin name for the cat family, this insult is used to describe anyone who has an ugly or cattish appearance, they can also be particularly bitchy or someone who gets into many catfights. It can also be used to describe an old single woman who lives in a house with only her cat as companion and thus dreams about young boys she can never have and is therefore a bitter and twisted https://gl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panthera_leo Felidae [′fel·ə‚d All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any.
A Scrabble Dictionary, Scrabble Word Finder & Scrabble Cheat to help you with many word based games and apps. Learn to win at any game with our many tools and word lists. felidae - Definition of felidae Is felidae a word in the scrabble dictionary? Synonyms for Felidae in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for Felidae. 1 synonym for Felidae: family Felidae. What are synonyms for Felidae?
10/4/2019 · What does felidae mean in Urban Dictionary?: becoming the latin title for cat family, this insult is used to describe anyone who has an ugly or cattish look, they can also be … Translation of Felidae in English. Translate Felidae in English online and download now our free translator to use any time at no charge.
felidae definition: Proper noun 1. A taxonomic family within the suborder Feliformia — the cats. Origin Felis + -idae... Definition of felidae in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of felidae. What does felidae mean? Information and translations of felidae in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions …
5/12/2014 · Find the definition of Felidae in the largest biology dictionary online. Free biology and life science resources at your fingertips. Translation of Felidae in English. Translate Felidae in English online and download now our free translator to use any time at no charge.
Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'Felidae' in LEOs English ⇔ German Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer What does the word FELIDAE mean? Find and lookup the definition, synonyms, and antonyms of the word FELIDAE in our free online dictionary!
Felid definition: any animal belonging to the cat family Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Being the latin name for the cat family, this insult is used to describe anyone who has an ugly or cattish appearance, they can also be particularly bitchy or someone who gets into many catfights. It can also be used to describe an old single woman who lives in a house with only her cat as companion and thus dreams about young boys she can never have and is therefore a bitter and twisted
Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für felidae im Online-Wörterbuch dict.cc (Deutschwörterbuch). Enthält Übersetzungen von der TU Chemnitz sowie aus Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (Englisch/Deutsch). Vielen Dank dafür! Links auf dieses Wörterbuch oder einzelne Übersetzungen sind herzlich willkommen! Definition of Felidae in the Financial Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Felidae? Meaning of Felidae as a finance term. What does Felidae mean in finance? Felidae financial definition of Felidae. Felines therefore paid no interest.
en .wikipedia .org /wiki /Felidae. Felidae (disambiguation) the biological family of all cats. Felidae may also refer to: Felidae (novel), a novel by Akif Pirinçci Felidae (film), a 1994 animated film based on the novel (28 of 72 words, 2 definitions) en .wikipedia .org /wiki /Felidae (disambiguation) Definition of Felidae in the AudioEnglish.org Dictionary. Meaning of Felidae. What does Felidae mean? Proper usage and audio pronunciation of the word Felidae. Information about Felidae in the AudioEnglish.org dictionary, synonyms and antonyms.
Translation for 'Felidae' in the free Danish-English dictionary and many other English translations. bab.la arrow_drop_down bab.la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar Toggle navigation Translation for 'Felidae' in the free Danish-English dictionary and many other English translations. bab.la arrow_drop_down bab.la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar Toggle navigation
Translation for 'Felidae' in the free Danish-English dictionary and many other English translations. bab.la arrow_drop_down bab.la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar Toggle navigation Felidae synonyms, Felidae pronunciation, Felidae translation, English dictionary definition of Felidae. Noun 1. Felidae - cats; wildcats; lions; leopards; cheetahs; saber-toothed tigers family Felidae mammal family - a family of mammals Carnivora, order... Felidae - definition of Felidae by The Free Dictionary.
Felid definition: any animal belonging to the cat family Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples 5/12/2014 · Find the definition of Felidae in the largest biology dictionary online. Free biology and life science resources at your fingertips.