South African Population Registration Act of 1950 Group Areas Act # 41 0f 1950: The act was designed to restrict the black or colored race group to its own residential and trading area; To control the purchase or occupation of land or dwellings in a specified area under the Act. Indians and coloreds were uprooted from homes at enormous cost to the families.
Background the population registration act of 1950. began with the Population Registration Act, promulgated in 1950, and legislated that all inhabitants of South Africa had to be officially identified as belonging to a racial category: вЂwhite’ or вЂBantu’ or вЂcoloured’ or вЂAsiatic’. Using this legislation as its basis the Group Areas Act was promulgated., This mumbo-jumbo fell away when the Act was repealed, but the memory of its provision will live on for a long time to come 1950: Suppression of Communism Act. Repealed 1990. 1950: The Group Areas Act. The entire population was to be segregated and allocated separate residential areas. Repealed 1991..
The Population Registration Act of1950 The Group Areas Act of 1950 The Pass Laws of 1952 The Separate Amenities Act of 1953 The Bantu Education Act of 1953 143 other apartheid laws controlled every aspect of life. Apartheid laws were designed to achieve strict racial separation and firm social and economic control. 1949. South African Citizenship Act; 1950. Immorality Amendment Act No 21; 1950. Population Registration Act No 30; 1950. Group Areas Act No 41; 1950. Suppression of Communism Act No 44; 1950 - Stock Limitation Act; 1951- Native Building Workers Act No 27; 1951 - Separate Representation of Voters Act No 46; 1951. Bantu Authorities Act No 68; 1951.
Forced Removals Under the Group Area’s Act: District Six The Group Areas Act No. 41 was a piece of Apartheid legislation officially commenced on July 7 th, 1950. This act, along with its subsequent amendments, gave the government the power to divide urban areas into … Apr 28, 2010 · Back in 1950, though, the rest of an entire legal avalanche soon followed The Group Areas Act: The Separate Amenities Act, The Bantu Education Act, The Mines and Works Act, The Promotion of …
Oct 21, 2018В В· Essay on group areas act 1950. 21. October 2018 Sample opinion essay writing english pdf company research papers rust essay about volunteering fashion clothes. Essay on free will neuroscience experiment about theatre essay uniform in college marketing mix essay template custom essay writing dos and don'ts. Essay narrative about experience Group Areas Act # 41 0f 1950: The act was designed to restrict the black or colored race group to its own residential and trading area; To control the purchase or occupation of land or dwellings in a specified area under the Act. Indians and coloreds were uprooted from homes at enormous cost to the families.
Forced Removals Under the Group Area’s Act: District Six The Group Areas Act No. 41 was a piece of Apartheid legislation officially commenced on July 7 th, 1950. This act, along with its subsequent amendments, gave the government the power to divide urban areas into … All proclamations of Group Areas and the issues of many types of permit require preliminary investi gations by the Board, and these normally involve public hearings. The procedure usually goes some thing like this:— I, The Nationalist majority on a town council, having heard that the Group Areas Act will
Group Areas Act, Act No. 41 of 1950. Repository. Digital Innovation South Africa. Collection. Legislation and Race Relations. The Act was to provide for the establishment of group areas, for the control of the acquisition of immovable property and the occupation of land and premises and for matters incidental thereto View Larger. Open The Population Registration Act of1950 The Group Areas Act of 1950 The Pass Laws of 1952 The Separate Amenities Act of 1953 The Bantu Education Act of 1953 143 other apartheid laws controlled every aspect of life. Apartheid laws were designed to achieve strict racial separation and firm social and economic control.
The Group Areas Act was fashioned as the “cornerstone” of Apartheid policy and aimed to eliminate mixed neighbourhoods in favour of racially segregated ones which would allow South Africans to develop separately (South African Institute for Race Relations, 1950: 26). When the Group Areas Act (GAA) was passed in 1950, it imposed control over Oct 21, 2018 · Essay on group areas act 1950. 21. October 2018 Sample opinion essay writing english pdf company research papers rust essay about volunteering fashion clothes. Essay on free will neuroscience experiment about theatre essay uniform in college marketing mix essay template custom essay writing dos and don'ts. Essay narrative about experience
Freedom from oppression: 50 years since the Group Areas Act. As we celebrate this year's Freedom Day, the South African History Archive considers another side of our heritage: it is fifty years since the Group Areas Act No. 41 of 1950 was passed. This act had the effect of entrenching the NP policy of separate development, or 'apartheid', by A suite of legislative laws was passed to accomplish this, including Group Areas Act No. 41, as well as the Land Act of 1913, the Mixed Marriages Act of 1949 and the Immorality Amendment Act of 1950: all of these were created to separate the races and subjugate nonwhite people.
Group Areas Act Interview Questions And Answers Read/Download state, the lynch-pin of the Group Areas Act, and of the Dompas (Reference Book).2 problems of dissent or resistance.17 For whites, the answers they gave to the enu- At these interviews, Census officials were careful to insist that the applicants (most of simple, chilling question Bantu Education Act /Bantu Authorities Act The Group Areas Act of 1950 divided the lands in which blacks and whites resided into distinct residential zones. This act established the distinct areas of South Africa in which members of each race could live and work, typically setting aside the best urban, industrial, and agricultural areas for whites.
The effects on society by the National Party continued until the early 1990s when the African National Congress lead by Nelson Mandela took power. This act affected all of South Africa but specifically, townships, or areas designated for blacks, which were located in the outskirts of the major cities including Cape Town, Johannesburg, and Durban. Apr 28, 2010 · Back in 1950, though, the rest of an entire legal avalanche soon followed The Group Areas Act: The Separate Amenities Act, The Bantu Education Act, The Mines and Works Act, The Promotion of …
Group Areas Act Interview Questions And Answers Read/Download state, the lynch-pin of the Group Areas Act, and of the Dompas (Reference Book).2 problems of dissent or resistance.17 For whites, the answers they gave to the enu- At these interviews, Census officials were careful to insist that the applicants (most of simple, chilling question Immortality Act (1950) Made interracial sex illegal Population registration Act (1950) Had to be registered in 1 of the 4 official race groups Group Areas Act (1950) Implemented racial zoning in urban areas Suppression of communism Act (1950) Anyone who opposed the government was considered a …
Background the population registration act of 1950. – The Immorality Amendment Act, No 21 of 1950 – The Population Registration Act, No 30 of 1950 – The Prevention of Illegal Squatting Act, No 52 of 1951 – The Group Areas Act, No 41 of 1950 – The Bantu Education Act, No 47 of 1953 – The Reservation of Separate Amenities Act, No 49 of 1953 – The Natives Abolition of Passes and Co, GROUP AREA’S ACT The Group Area’s Act No. 41 of 1950 finally forced a physical separation between races by creating different residential zones for different racial groups. According to Thomspon, “in many cases, areas that had previously been occupied by blacks were zoned for exclusive white occupation” (194). This was the first time that.
1950. Population Registration Act No 30 The O'Malley. This mumbo-jumbo fell away when the Act was repealed, but the memory of its provision will live on for a long time to come 1950: Suppression of Communism Act. Repealed 1990. 1950: The Group Areas Act. The entire population was to be segregated and allocated separate residential areas. Repealed 1991. Maharaj, B. 1993. Segregation in South African Cities: The Group Areas Act in Durban. Paper presented at the Congress of the National Association of Geographers of Indian (NAGI), 4–6 Nov., at Bhubhaneswar, Orissa, India. Google Scholar.
Jul 28, 2006 · Tinkering and Tampering: A Decade of the Group Areas Act (1950–1960) UMA SHASHIKANT MESTHRIE University of the Western Cape , Pages 177-202 (30) The residential separation of the various races was the goal of the Group Areas Act (No.41 of 1950) although attempts to segregate people, particularly Africans, had existed in South Africa long before the Nationalist Party came to power in 1948. It was thus Africans who were the first to be removed from lower Claremont in the 1950's.
On 11 February 1966 under the Group Areas Act, the Apartheid government announced the District 6, in the greater Cape Town area would be declared a “Whites Only Area”, this in part was due to the fact that only White citizens where aloud to reside in developed residential areas. At the time these areas where heavily populated by non-white (Urban Areas) Act and the 1950 Group Areas Act are more striking than the discontinuities. South African urban historical research has also provided a clearer understanding of such themes as housing policy, urban 'native administration' and influx control, but has
A suite of legislative laws was passed to accomplish this, including Group Areas Act No. 41, as well as the Land Act of 1913, the Mixed Marriages Act of 1949 and the Immorality Amendment Act of 1950: all of these were created to separate the races and subjugate nonwhite people. A suite of legislative laws was passed to accomplish this, including Group Areas Act No. 41, as well as the Land Act of 1913, the Mixed Marriages Act of 1949 and the Immorality Amendment Act of 1950: all of these were created to separate the races and subjugate nonwhite people.
"Apartheid." Moraine Park Technical College.Moraine Park Technical College, 7 Apr. 2007. Web. 10 Dec. 2013. May 18, 2015 · Group Areas Act, 1950, South Africa - History bibliographies - in Harvard style . Change style These are the sources and citations used to research Group Areas Act, 1950, South Africa. This bibliography E-book or PDF Edited book Email Encyclopedia article Govt. publication This mumbo-jumbo fell away when the Act was repealed, but the memory of its provision will live on for a long time to come 1950: Suppression of Communism Act. Repealed 1990. 1950: The Group Areas Act. The entire population was to be segregated and allocated separate residential areas. Repealed 1991. Thanks for the question! The Group Areas Act was a trio of acts passed by the South African Parliament in 1950 during the Apartheid era. The laws strengthened the segregation of blacks and whites... Immortality Act (1950) Made interracial sex illegal Population registration Act (1950) Had to be registered in 1 of the 4 official race groups Group Areas Act (1950) Implemented racial zoning in urban areas Suppression of communism Act (1950) Anyone who opposed the government was considered a … (30) The residential separation of the various races was the goal of the Group Areas Act (No.41 of 1950) although attempts to segregate people, particularly Africans, had existed in South Africa long before the Nationalist Party came to power in 1948. It was thus Africans who were the first to be removed from lower Claremont in the 1950's. Maharaj, B. 1993. Segregation in South African Cities: The Group Areas Act in Durban. Paper presented at the Congress of the National Association of Geographers of Indian (NAGI), 4–6 Nov., at Bhubhaneswar, Orissa, India. Google Scholar GROUP AREA’S ACT The Group Area’s Act No. 41 of 1950 finally forced a physical separation between races by creating different residential zones for different racial groups. According to Thomspon, “in many cases, areas that had previously been occupied by blacks were zoned for exclusive white occupation” (194). This was the first time that A suite of legislative laws was passed to accomplish this, including Group Areas Act No. 41, as well as the Land Act of 1913, the Mixed Marriages Act of 1949 and the Immorality Amendment Act of 1950: all of these were created to separate the races and subjugate nonwhite people. The effects on society by the National Party continued until the early 1990s when the African National Congress lead by Nelson Mandela took power. This act affected all of South Africa but specifically, townships, or areas designated for blacks, which were located in the outskirts of the major cities including Cape Town, Johannesburg, and Durban. – The Immorality Amendment Act, No 21 of 1950 – The Population Registration Act, No 30 of 1950 – The Prevention of Illegal Squatting Act, No 52 of 1951 – The Group Areas Act, No 41 of 1950 – The Bantu Education Act, No 47 of 1953 – The Reservation of Separate Amenities Act, No 49 of 1953 – The Natives Abolition of Passes and Co The Group Areas Act was fashioned as the “cornerstone” of Apartheid policy and aimed to eliminate mixed neighbourhoods in favour of racially segregated ones which would allow South Africans to develop separately (South African Institute for Race Relations, 1950: 26). When the Group Areas Act (GAA) was passed in 1950, it imposed control over Forced Removals Under the Group Area’s Act: District Six The Group Areas Act No. 41 was a piece of Apartheid legislation officially commenced on July 7 th, 1950. This act, along with its subsequent amendments, gave the government the power to divide urban areas into … Freedom from oppression: 50 years since the Group Areas Act. As we celebrate this year's Freedom Day, the South African History Archive considers another side of our heritage: it is fifty years since the Group Areas Act No. 41 of 1950 was passed. This act had the effect of entrenching the NP policy of separate development, or 'apartheid', by Group Areas Act, Act No. 41 of 1950. Repository. Digital Innovation South Africa. Collection. Legislation and Race Relations. The Act was to provide for the establishment of group areas, for the control of the acquisition of immovable property and the occupation of land and premises and for matters incidental thereto View Larger. Open
Group Areas Act Act No. 41 of 1950 on JSTOR. – The Immorality Amendment Act, No 21 of 1950 – The Population Registration Act, No 30 of 1950 – The Prevention of Illegal Squatting Act, No 52 of 1951 – The Group Areas Act, No 41 of 1950 – The Bantu Education Act, No 47 of 1953 – The Reservation of Separate Amenities Act, No 49 of 1953 – The Natives Abolition of Passes and Co, The effects on society by the National Party continued until the early 1990s when the African National Congress lead by Nelson Mandela took power. This act affected all of South Africa but specifically, townships, or areas designated for blacks, which were located in the outskirts of the major cities including Cape Town, Johannesburg, and Durban..
Group Areas Act Act No 41 of 1950 SAHA - South African. Bantu Education Act /Bantu Authorities Act The Group Areas Act of 1950 divided the lands in which blacks and whites resided into distinct residential zones. This act established the distinct areas of South Africa in which members of each race could live and work, typically setting aside the best urban, industrial, and agricultural areas for whites., And within urban areas, coloureds were to be relocated to racially homogeneous townships.7 Although the Group Areas Act was passed in 1950, forced removals did ….
The effects on society by the National Party continued until the early 1990s when the African National Congress lead by Nelson Mandela took power. This act affected all of South Africa but specifically, townships, or areas designated for blacks, which were located in the outskirts of the major cities including Cape Town, Johannesburg, and Durban. No. 41 of 1950 - 40-THE GROUP AREAS ACT (6) a s from the date fixed under section thirty-seven for any province of the Union, or for any a rea in the province of the Cape of Good Hope, Natal or Transvaal, the provisions of sub-section (l) of section one of the Na tives Land Act, 1913
A suite of legislative laws was passed to accomplish this, including Group Areas Act No. 41, as well as the Land Act of 1913, the Mixed Marriages Act of 1949 and the Immorality Amendment Act of 1950: all of these were created to separate the races and subjugate nonwhite people. Freedom from oppression: 50 years since the Group Areas Act. As we celebrate this year's Freedom Day, the South African History Archive considers another side of our heritage: it is fifty years since the Group Areas Act No. 41 of 1950 was passed. This act had the effect of entrenching the NP policy of separate development, or 'apartheid', by
– The Immorality Amendment Act, No 21 of 1950 – The Population Registration Act, No 30 of 1950 – The Prevention of Illegal Squatting Act, No 52 of 1951 – The Group Areas Act, No 41 of 1950 – The Bantu Education Act, No 47 of 1953 – The Reservation of Separate Amenities Act, No 49 of 1953 – The Natives Abolition of Passes and Co (Urban Areas) Act and the 1950 Group Areas Act are more striking than the discontinuities. South African urban historical research has also provided a clearer understanding of such themes as housing policy, urban 'native administration' and influx control, but has
Jul 28, 2006 · Tinkering and Tampering: A Decade of the Group Areas Act (1950–1960) UMA SHASHIKANT MESTHRIE University of the Western Cape , Pages 177-202 May 18, 2015 · Group Areas Act, 1950, South Africa - History bibliographies - in Harvard style . Change style These are the sources and citations used to research Group Areas Act, 1950, South Africa. This bibliography E-book or PDF Edited book Email Encyclopedia article Govt. publication
The Population Registration Act No. 30 worked in conjunction with other laws passed under the apartheid system. Under the Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act of 1949, it was illegal for a white person to marry someone of another race. The Immorality Amendment Act of 1950 made it a crime for a white person to have sex with someone from another race. The effects on society by the National Party continued until the early 1990s when the African National Congress lead by Nelson Mandela took power. This act affected all of South Africa but specifically, townships, or areas designated for blacks, which were located in the outskirts of the major cities including Cape Town, Johannesburg, and Durban.
1949. South African Citizenship Act; 1950. Immorality Amendment Act No 21; 1950. Population Registration Act No 30; 1950. Group Areas Act No 41; 1950. Suppression of Communism Act No 44; 1950 - Stock Limitation Act; 1951- Native Building Workers Act No 27; 1951 - Separate Representation of Voters Act No 46; 1951. Bantu Authorities Act No 68; 1951. No. 41 of 1950 - 40-THE GROUP AREAS ACT (6) a s from the date fixed under section thirty-seven for any province of the Union, or for any a rea in the province of the Cape of Good Hope, Natal or Transvaal, the provisions of sub-section (l) of section one of the Na tives Land Act, 1913
(Urban Areas) Act and the 1950 Group Areas Act are more striking than the discontinuities. South African urban historical research has also provided a clearer understanding of such themes as housing policy, urban 'native administration' and influx control, but has began with the Population Registration Act, promulgated in 1950, and legislated that all inhabitants of South Africa had to be officially identified as belonging to a racial category: вЂwhite’ or вЂBantu’ or вЂcoloured’ or вЂAsiatic’. Using this legislation as its basis the Group Areas Act was promulgated.
Immortality Act (1950) Made interracial sex illegal Population registration Act (1950) Had to be registered in 1 of the 4 official race groups Group Areas Act (1950) Implemented racial zoning in urban areas Suppression of communism Act (1950) Anyone who opposed the government was considered a … Maharaj, B. 1993. Segregation in South African Cities: The Group Areas Act in Durban. Paper presented at the Congress of the National Association of Geographers of Indian (NAGI), 4–6 Nov., at Bhubhaneswar, Orissa, India. Google Scholar
The Group Areas Act was fashioned as the “cornerstone” of Apartheid policy and aimed to eliminate mixed neighbourhoods in favour of racially segregated ones which would allow South Africans to develop separately (South African Institute for Race Relations, 1950: 26). When the Group Areas Act (GAA) was passed in 1950, it imposed control over The Population Registration Act of1950 The Group Areas Act of 1950 The Pass Laws of 1952 The Separate Amenities Act of 1953 The Bantu Education Act of 1953 143 other apartheid laws controlled every aspect of life. Apartheid laws were designed to achieve strict racial separation and firm social and economic control.
"Apartheid." Moraine Park Technical College.Moraine Park Technical College, 7 Apr. 2007. Web. 10 Dec. 2013. Group Areas Act Act No. 41 of 1950 on JSTOR. Group Areas Act, Act No. 41 of 1950. Repository. Digital Innovation South Africa. Collection. Legislation and Race Relations. The Act was to provide for the establishment of group areas, for the control of the acquisition of immovable property and the occupation of land and premises and for matters incidental thereto View Larger. Open, – The Immorality Amendment Act, No 21 of 1950 – The Population Registration Act, No 30 of 1950 – The Prevention of Illegal Squatting Act, No 52 of 1951 – The Group Areas Act, No 41 of 1950 – The Bantu Education Act, No 47 of 1953 – The Reservation of Separate Amenities Act, No 49 of 1953 – The Natives Abolition of Passes and Co. District 6 and The Group Areas Act The Skeptic. (Urban Areas) Act and the 1950 Group Areas Act are more striking than the discontinuities. South African urban historical research has also provided a clearer understanding of such themes as housing policy, urban 'native administration' and influx control, but has, On 11 February 1966 under the Group Areas Act, the Apartheid government announced the District 6, in the greater Cape Town area would be declared a “Whites Only Area”, this in part was due to the fact that only White citizens where aloud to reside in developed residential areas. At the time these areas where heavily populated by non-white. Group Areas Act Act No. 41 of 1950 on JSTOR. Maharaj, B. 1993. Segregation in South African Cities: The Group Areas Act in Durban. Paper presented at the Congress of the National Association of Geographers of Indian (NAGI), 4–6 Nov., at Bhubhaneswar, Orissa, India. Google Scholar, A suite of legislative laws was passed to accomplish this, including Group Areas Act No. 41, as well as the Land Act of 1913, the Mixed Marriages Act of 1949 and the Immorality Amendment Act of 1950: all of these were created to separate the races and subjugate nonwhite people.. Group Areas Act Act No 41 of 1950 SAHA - South African. And within urban areas, coloureds were to be relocated to racially homogeneous townships.7 Although the Group Areas Act was passed in 1950, forced removals did … A suite of legislative laws was passed to accomplish this, including Group Areas Act No. 41, as well as the Land Act of 1913, the Mixed Marriages Act of 1949 and the Immorality Amendment Act of 1950: all of these were created to separate the races and subjugate nonwhite people.. Group Areas Act Interview Questions And Answers Read/Download state, the lynch-pin of the Group Areas Act, and of the Dompas (Reference Book).2 problems of dissent or resistance.17 For whites, the answers they gave to the enu- At these interviews, Census officials were careful to insist that the applicants (most of simple, chilling question Thanks for the question! The Group Areas Act was a trio of acts passed by the South African Parliament in 1950 during the Apartheid era. The laws strengthened the segregation of blacks and whites... 1949. South African Citizenship Act; 1950. Immorality Amendment Act No 21; 1950. Population Registration Act No 30; 1950. Group Areas Act No 41; 1950. Suppression of Communism Act No 44; 1950 - Stock Limitation Act; 1951- Native Building Workers Act No 27; 1951 - Separate Representation of Voters Act No 46; 1951. Bantu Authorities Act No 68; 1951. Group Areas Act Interview Questions And Answers Read/Download state, the lynch-pin of the Group Areas Act, and of the Dompas (Reference Book).2 problems of dissent or resistance.17 For whites, the answers they gave to the enu- At these interviews, Census officials were careful to insist that the applicants (most of simple, chilling question Forced Removals Under the Group Area’s Act: District Six The Group Areas Act No. 41 was a piece of Apartheid legislation officially commenced on July 7 th, 1950. This act, along with its subsequent amendments, gave the government the power to divide urban areas into … Group Areas Act Interview Questions And Answers Read/Download state, the lynch-pin of the Group Areas Act, and of the Dompas (Reference Book).2 problems of dissent or resistance.17 For whites, the answers they gave to the enu- At these interviews, Census officials were careful to insist that the applicants (most of simple, chilling question No. 41 of 1950 - 40-THE GROUP AREAS ACT (6) a s from the date fixed under section thirty-seven for any province of the Union, or for any a rea in the province of the Cape of Good Hope, Natal or Transvaal, the provisions of sub-section (l) of section one of the Na tives Land Act, 1913 "Apartheid." Moraine Park Technical College.Moraine Park Technical College, 7 Apr. 2007. Web. 10 Dec. 2013. May 18, 2015 · Group Areas Act, 1950, South Africa - History bibliographies - in Harvard style . Change style These are the sources and citations used to research Group Areas Act, 1950, South Africa. This bibliography E-book or PDF Edited book Email Encyclopedia article Govt. publication The People Wept; being a brief account of the origin, contents, and application of that unjust law of the union of South Africa known as The Group Areas Act of 1950 (since consolidated as … Maharaj, B. 1993. Segregation in South African Cities: The Group Areas Act in Durban. Paper presented at the Congress of the National Association of Geographers of Indian (NAGI), 4–6 Nov., at Bhubhaneswar, Orissa, India. Google Scholar Jul 28, 2006 · Tinkering and Tampering: A Decade of the Group Areas Act (1950–1960) UMA SHASHIKANT MESTHRIE University of the Western Cape , Pages 177-202 "Apartheid." Moraine Park Technical College.Moraine Park Technical College, 7 Apr. 2007. Web. 10 Dec. 2013. No. 41 of 1950 - 40-THE GROUP AREAS ACT (6) a s from the date fixed under section thirty-seven for any province of the Union, or for any a rea in the province of the Cape of Good Hope, Natal or Transvaal, the provisions of sub-section (l) of section one of the Na tives Land Act, 1913 1949. South African Citizenship Act; 1950. Immorality Amendment Act No 21; 1950. Population Registration Act No 30; 1950. Group Areas Act No 41; 1950. Suppression of Communism Act No 44; 1950 - Stock Limitation Act; 1951- Native Building Workers Act No 27; 1951 - Separate Representation of Voters Act No 46; 1951. Bantu Authorities Act No 68; 1951. And within urban areas, coloureds were to be relocated to racially homogeneous townships.7 Although the Group Areas Act was passed in 1950, forced removals did … Jul 28, 2006 · Tinkering and Tampering: A Decade of the Group Areas Act (1950–1960) UMA SHASHIKANT MESTHRIE University of the Western Cape , Pages 177-202 The first Group Areas Act, the Group Areas Act, 1950 was promulgated on 7 July 1950, and it was implemented over a period of several years. It was amended by Parliament in 1952, 1955 (twice), 1956 and 1957. Later in 1957 it was repealed and re-enacted in … Apr 28, 2010 · Back in 1950, though, the rest of an entire legal avalanche soon followed The Group Areas Act: The Separate Amenities Act, The Bantu Education Act, The Mines and Works Act, The Promotion of … May 18, 2015 · Group Areas Act, 1950, South Africa - History bibliographies - in Harvard style . Change style These are the sources and citations used to research Group Areas Act, 1950, South Africa. This bibliography E-book or PDF Edited book Email Encyclopedia article Govt. publication The Population Registration Act No. 30 worked in conjunction with other laws passed under the apartheid system. Under the Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act of 1949, it was illegal for a white person to marry someone of another race. The Immorality Amendment Act of 1950 made it a crime for a white person to have sex with someone from another race.Group Areas Act 1950 South Africa History
South African Population Registration Act of 1950